There are slider ads, background images, marketing graphics, or any number of other creations on almost all modern websites to avoid blank space. As page development becomes increasingly inexpensive and user-friendly, designing a website that features movement and rotating hero shots is now the norm. The trend is catching fire between large corporate and small business sites alike. We can see the strategy used here to a medium degree on the Ikea homepage: Retrieved from And to an even more considerable degree on the … [Read more...] about Effectively Integrating Large, Noticeable Images into Your Website Design
Optimizing for Smartphone and Mobile Device Users is a Must
It's becoming a problem, and many have noted it as an already staggering addiction; I am at the point where I'm nervous if I don't have my smartphone on me. And trust me, I'm not the only one, and I'm not even a business owner, so I can only imagine what effect being phoneless has on someone whose livelihood depends on it. So, with mobile or something similar always at hand, there's bound to be a distinct effect on how people traverse the fad we call the internet, and therein, how they shop and educate themselves on products. What does this … [Read more...] about Optimizing for Smartphone and Mobile Device Users is a Must
Your Landing Page’s First Impression Lasts Forever: Make it a Good One
You have written plenty of pieces on your site's content, which is vital for collecting viewership, but the first things your viewer sees are the most important in capturing their attention. That's part of why a Call to Action is essential, especially on your landing page, so viewers aren't asking questions about their role in the buying process. And, especially with all the competition out there, the look a prospect gives your site will be cursory at best. An abundance of research shows how important a first impression is, and even if … [Read more...] about Your Landing Page’s First Impression Lasts Forever: Make it a Good One
Tips 4 Designing Landing Pages That Will Attract & Keep Users
Maintaining a modernized website is a vital aspect of any business. Like seasonal fashion lines, online presence is a changing atmosphere that must be constantly adapted to command attention. After a search, your landing page is the first your user will see. Like the cover of a book, if it’s not appealing, the viewer will assume the same goes for the rest of your site. Think of it as an audition or a first impression. So what’s in your control? How do you know what to change? One of the most influential factors, if not the most effective, is … [Read more...] about Tips 4 Designing Landing Pages That Will Attract & Keep Users